Wednesday, December 12, 2012

my rant for today

basic back-story :I'm a 16 year old high school soft-more without a job or license i spend most of my time playing video games my dad is obsessed with bowling my mom sleeps most of the day she used to work graveyard and now works days but i still hardly see her and my dad isn't physically abusive but verbally abusive

so my dad yells throws stuff and makes me feel like an ass my mom is home often  but in her room i hardly see her. today 12/12/12 the shit hit the fan the new theater just opened near my home town and was doing a special charity thing before its grand opening this was the last day where movies soda and popcorn where $2 each and ya that gives away my location for those nearby but i don't fucking care so me and my mom went and dad didn't get to go because of work. the same day he planed to spend a free night at the casino hotel. the cars where low on gas. so me and my mom go to the theater see the movie and then my dad met us there. my parents decided dad would take me home then it all got bad in the car he started ranting at me about various stuff how i should have a job, a license, be doing all the cores, etc then went into some random tangent on how bowling is important and how money is tight even though he repeatedly told me not to worry about it. then my mom calls to say she filled up the tank of gas on the car she was driving he yelled fuck and threw the phone on the seat and started yelling how he had a plan to use My grandmas gas card which she loaned to him, he is supposed to pay back all gas he gets with it when he gets paid, and then he rants to me about how my mom his wife should tell him before she spends money and ya good point but he yelled about it like he has a right to know even though he doesn't tell her when he has planes or shit like that then she hung up and i got yelled at about her the rest of the way home. then we get home he was yelling and ranting the  i didn't want to be in the same city as him let alone the same car so i left without my stuff and just sulked in the house for a bit. then i went out to get my stuff thinking he'd calmed down since he was talking with the neighbors calmly he wanted to bring the Christmas presents in so they wouldn't get stolen from the car at the casino we get inside and i start cleaning out the ash in the fire place. seamed like it was over then mom called back. telling her to tell him before she spends money i defended her saying do you tell mom before you sign up for bowling? he flipped out yelling at me then he threw a plastic chair right into the fire place i was cleaning like a foot from my face. and then he rants some more about how i don't clean anything and disrespect him all the time and you know what i do he doesn't deserve my respect or anyone's for that matter. then he starts complaining about shit repeating what he has already said i tuned out at this point. so that's my story for today. normally he yells everyday when he comes home about how i haven't done anything but play video games all day and i haven't but he never appreciates when i do so why fucking bother.

sorry if this rant isn't entertaining if you don't want to read it don't just had to get my feelings out some how and i want to know if he is justified or not in his actions should i respect him just because he's my dad even if i don't think he deserves it?

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